
Street Art Belgrade (SRB-ENG)

Šifra proizvoda978-86-86245-29-8

1.760,00 din.




Godina izdanja

Broj strana




26 cm



Knjiga Street Art Belgrade predstavlja sveobuhvatni pregled beogradske ulične umetnosti, kako stilski tako i unazad kroz vreme. Od aforizama i stencil-a (šablona) preko kompleksnih grafičkih rešenja, slova i murala, kroz knjigu možete pratiti beogradsku grafiti scenu koja je sve življa. U knjizi se nalaze i citati nekih od najaktivnih i najprisutnijih crtača i uličnih umetnika na beogradskoj sceni: Artez, Junk, Rage, TKV, Lortek i Nikola (Alone). Sa preko 500 fotografija, koje je autor Aleksandar Đorđević zabeležio u poslednjih šest godina, knjiga pruža sveobuhvatan uvid u jedinstven svet beogradskih grafita.


The book Street Art Belgrade presents the most comprehensive overview of street art in Belgrade, both stylistically and historically. From aphorisms and stencil art, to complex graphics solutions, letters and murals you can follow the graffiti and street art scene in Belgrade, which is becoming more and more vibrant. The book also contains quotes by some of the most active street artists: Artez, Junk, Rage, TKV, Lortek and Nikola. On 215 pages and with over 550 photographs, which the author Aleksandar Djordjevic made in the last six years, the book provides a comprehensive insight into the unique world of street art in Belgrade.

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