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Dvojzično izdanje
Poezija Svetlane Spaić liči na zvuk potoka koji protiče pored vas dok ležite u travi i posmatrate oblake koji putuju iznad vas. Ti oblaci su reči a žubor je ono što vas ispunjava posebnošću trenutka. Shvatate da su oblačići stalno tu, uvek prisutni ali da vas je potok naterao da primetite koliko su posebni, lepi.
Svetlana nam otkriva da treba samo leći u travu i posmatrati nebo. Naoko izgleda da to nije ništa posebno ali ipak je trebalo da se pojavi pesnikinja, prava pesnikinja da nam pokaže put do njene, ali i naše duše koja se krije u potoku koji nekuda žuri.
Goran Marković filmski reditelj
Svetlana Spaic’s poetry is like the sound of a stream flowing beside you as you lie in the grass and watch the clouds travel above you. These little clouds are words and the murmur is what fills you with the sense of how special the moment is. You realise that the clouds are always there, always present, but that the stream made you notice how extraordinary, how beautiful they are. Svetlana reveals to us that all we need to do is to lie down in the grass and watch the sky. On the surface, it seems like it is nothing special, but it took a poet, a true poet, to appear and show us the way not only to her, but also to our soul, hidden in the stream that is scurrying somewhere.
Goran Marković film director
Svetlana Spaić bavi se simultanim i književnim prevođenjem i piše poeziju, dramske tekstove i eseje. Poreklom iz Beograda, gde je završila engleski i francuski jezik i kniževnost, dugo je živela u Parizu, gde je magistrirala na Sorboni, zatim u Holandiji i danas u Briselu. Piše na srpskom, engleskom i francuskom jeziku.
Svetlana Spaić is a conference interpreter and literary translator and writes poetry, theatre plays and essays. Originally from Belgrade, where she graduated in English and French language and literature, she has lived in Paris, where she obtained her Master’s degree at the Sorbonne, then in the Netherlands and today in Brussels. She writes in Serbian, English and French.